Saturday 5.25.24 : Memorial Day “Murph”

Saturday is the big day. It is our annual running of the workout “Murph”. If you haven’t signed up for a time please do so asap. If you are wondering more about “Murph” and why you should do it check out the post from earlier this week. It is one of the best workout days of the year, don’t miss it!

WOD: “Murph”
Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile

The pull-ups, push-ups, and squats can be partitioned any way desired. The runs have to be done at the start and finish.

S: Run 800m, 50-100-150, run 800m
L1: Run 1 mile, 50-100-150, run 1 mile, OR run 800m, 75-150-225, run 800m
Rx+: wear a weight vest, earn a “Murph 2024” patch!


Tuesday 5.28.24


Friday 5.24.24