Monday 5.20.24 : MDW “Murph” on Saturday

This Saturday is our traditional running of the workout “Murph”. As part of our community goal of improved pull-ups, Saturday will be a great time to test out your progress.

Murph is a classic CrossFit "hero" WOD named in honor of Lieutenant Michael Murphy, a Navy SEAL who sacrificed his life during Operation Red Wings in the War in Afghanistan. His story gained widespread recognition through the book and movie Lone Survivor - If you haven’t read the book, I HIGHLY recommend it.

The Murph Workout:

  • 1 mile run

  • 100 pull-ups

  • 200 push-ups

  • 300 air squats

  • 1 mile run

If you have done this workout Rx in sub 45:00 and have a weight vest, the hero Rx is doing it all with a weight vest on, and this year we have special patches for anyone who completes the workout with a weight vest.

The two runs must be done where they are written, but the rest of the work can be broken up any way you want. Many people break the middle work into rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats. Some maniacs do it straight through as written. As always, we will provide you with many options to modify it to meet your fitness level, whether you are just starting out or are a wily veteran. The best thing about this Saturday is that it is “just a workout”, but it is a workout that ends up being so much more to each individual.

Just a few things that you will experience on Saturday:

  1. Camaraderie: The shared experience of tackling such a demanding workout fosters a sense of community and mutual support. You'll bond with fellow athletes, encouraging each other throughout the workout. There is no feeling like the buzz inside the gym all Saturday morning.

  2. Proving To Yourself You Can Do It: Completing Murph is a testament to your physical and mental resilience. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or new to CrossFit, modifying the workout to suit your fitness level still provides an immense sense of accomplishment.

  3. Honoring Heroes: Participating in Murph is a powerful way to honor the memory of Michael Murphy and all service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It’s a moment to reflect on their bravery and the freedoms we enjoy because of their actions.

  4. Personal Growth: The challenge of Murph pushes you beyond your limits, fostering growth and resilience. It’s an opportunity to see how far you've come since starting CrossFit and to set new goals for the future.

This workout is more than just a physical challenge; it's a tribute to those who have given their lives in service to our country, and a much smaller but important tribute to yourselves and how you dedicate much of your life to staying fit. All the early mornings, all the nights getting in after work, days like this Saturday are what it is all about.

Join us at Monument Fitness this Memorial Day weekend to honor our heroes and test your limits. Sign up for a time on WODify!

MONDAY - Monday’s workout will have both our strict pull-ups strength and pull-up workout to make sure we get our work in while still giving our pulling muscles time to recover for Saturday

Strength/Warmup: Strict pull-ups
E90s perform max unbroken x 4 rounds

Strength 2: Snatch
EMOM 8m : 1 rep – to be used as technical work and introduction to the weight to use in the workout

Run 400m, then AMRAP with remaining time
1 squat snatch 125/85
2 overhead squats
9 pull-ups

S: 65/45, modified pull-ups
L1: 95/65, modified pull-ups
Rx+: 155/105


Tuesday 5.21.24


Saturday 5.18.24 : Bring a Friend with NOBULL