Wednesday 8.28.24

Today is a bittersweet day for Stacey and I as people and small business owners. John "Juan" Kim and his wonderful wife Yejin are moving to Los Angeles to become California residents this Sunday. We super happy for both of them as they head out on this next phase of life, but just as sad that we are losing such cool people from our community.

John in particular has been a special part of our time owning this business. He became a member of our gym, CrossFit Lando Canal Park in Cambridge, shortly after its opening in 2015, and we were lucky to have him follow us to the current location here in Charlestown. John’s been a fixture at early morning classes for the past decade, and he even convinced Yejin to be a member for multiple years.

Running this business for more than ten years has given us the opportunity to meet many awesome people. John is top of the list. He is endlessly generous, kind, and frankly, just an awesome dude. I feel truly fortunate to have him as a friend, and Stacey and I are grateful to have someone like John (and Yej for a while!) be a part of our lives and community.

Here we go, first workout named for a member. Come in and get after it!

Strength: Power clean
EMOM 5m: 1 hang power clean + 1 power clean
E2m x 5 sets : 1 power clean

WOD: “Juan Kim”
4 Rounds for Time
2:00 AMRAP: Power cleans 165/115
2:00 AMRAP: 3 burpees + 3 handstand push-ups

  • Scoring: Divide burpee + hspu amrap by 6 (round down), add to power cleans

S: 65/45, 3 shoulder to overhead
L1: 135/95, 3 shoulder to overhead
Rx+: 225/155


Thursday 8.29.24


Tuesday 8.27.24