Saturday 7.27.24

It’s Partner/Bring a Friend Saturday! Bring a loved one, or someone you hate, to get a great partner workout in to start your Saturday off right!

WOD: For time
Complete 800m kb carry 53/35
- partners move together, one carrying the KB at a time, any way desired and broken any way desired
30 burpees, must be done ascending waterfall style (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5)
100 kb swings, broken any way desired
30 burpees, done ascending waterfall style
100 kb sdlhp, broken any way desired
30 burpees, done ascending waterfall style
100 plate thrusters 35/25, broken any way desired
30 burpees, done ascending waterfall style


Monday 7.29.24


Friday 7.26.24