Monday 7.15.24

Strength: Clean and Jerk complex
1 power clean
1 squat clean
2 jerks

WOD: For time
50 db burpee step up and over 50/35 db, 24/20 box

-          Perform a 1 min AMRAP of toes to bar to start. Every TTB is a rep subtracted from the total db burpee step up and over the athlete must complete. Ex : athlete completes 20 toes to bar in the minute, they then do 30 db burpee step up and over for time.

S: Situps, modified db weight
L1: Modified toes to bar and db weight, or 40 reps @ RX standards
Rx: 60 reps


Tuesday 7.15.24


Saturday 7.13.24