Friday 9.20.24

We have a birthday workout on our hands! It’s Coach Ryan’s birthday (Thursday actually) so it’s time to get in and get after his birthday workout, redux version. Be sure to wish him a happy birthday if you see him sometime tomorrow or the weekend!

Strength: Overhead Squat
E2m x 4: 5-5-3-3, building
E2M x 4: 3-3-2-2, heaviest able

WOD: Coach Ryan’s WOD Redux
200 double unders
44 power snatches 75/55
Run 600m
44 toes to bar

S: 150 singles, 34 reps, 65/45, modified toes to bar
L1: 200 singles or mix du/su, modified ttb
Rx+: 95/65


Saturday 9.21.24


Thursday 9.19.24