Wednesday 5.15.24

2024 In-House Partner Throwdown : While our plans for our fit festival on the 22nd have been dashed by scheduling issues with our neighbors, we still have a great event coming up on Saturday, June 15th. We will be hosting our annual in-house partner throwdown from 8-10am, with some hang-out time and fun in the gym and parking lot afterwards. We will have food, drinks, and possibly a chance to dunk Stacey in a dunk tank. The best part is it will be one of many awesome things going on around town that weekend as it is Bunker Hill Parade weekend.

Now, the in-house throwdown is going to be even more awesome than usual. All you do is sign up, choose your skill level between Rx and Modified, and teams will be made at random to match one of each. The workouts will all be accessible to all ability levels, so this is a chance for everyone to come in and throwdown and possibly win some cool prizes and yearlong bragging rights.

Sign-ups will go love tomorrow. Don’t miss out on one of the best events, and best weekends, of the summer!

Strength: Snatch
- EMOM 5m: 2 hang snatch + 1 snatch
- EMOM 5m: 1 snatch

3 db thrusters right arm 50/35
3 db thrusters left arm
6 db snatch right arm
6 db snatch left arm
9 db goblet squats
12 push-ups
15 toes to bar

S: modified db weight, situps
L1: modified db weight, modified ttb
Rx+: handstand push-ups


Thursday 5.16.24


Tuesday 5.14.24