Tuesday 9.3.24

Toes to Bar movement of the month and September Attendance Challenge: And just like that, we are in the month of September. Since we are all getting back to being focused on our fitness as we get back to our non-summer routine, we are getting back to our movement of the month with Toes to Bar for September. That means every Monday (Tuesday for this week) and Friday we will have programming focused on getting you better at toes to bar and the appropriate scales. The purpose of this is to give you the opportunity to focus on improving this movement. Whether that means just getting up onto the bar instead of doing situps or doing sets of 15-20 unbroken at breakneck speed, everyone will have something to work towards for this month.

September is also the return of our attendance challenge. If you missed out on the amazing “Monument Made” shirts for completing the August Ruck Challenge, do not let yourself down and miss out on this month’s limited edition shirt!


Strength: High bar back squat
E2m x 9 sets

  • set of 10 should be done with an empty barbell. All sets of 3 should be 80% 1rm or higher

WOD: For time
Deadlift 225/155
Alternating back stepping lunges, each leg

  • 50 double unders after each set

S: 95/65, 50 singles
L1: 165/115, mix du/su
rx+: 275/205


Wednesday 9.4.24


Saturday 8.30.24