Friday 9.6.24

Today is Toes to Bar WOD test day. Just like we did with pull-ups back in May, every Friday will be a WOD that has toes to bar in it for the rest of September. We will then retest this workout on the last Friday of the month. The hope is with the extra focus on the movement on Mondays and Fridays you will be able to crush your time for this workout in a month. That or you will at least get a lot more fit trying!

Strength: Bench press
E2M x 8 sets
10 (empty barbell)-6-5-4-3-3-3-3

WOD: For time
30 toes to bar
Then 5 rounds
9 shoulder to overhead 135/95
15 box jumps 24/20
Then 40 toes to bar

S: Modified toes to bar or situps, 65/45, step ups
L1: Modified toes to bar, 115/75
Rx+: 155/105


Saturday 9.7.24


Thursday 9.5.24