Friday 6.7.24 : Leg test day

Boy oh boy do we have a treat today! Today’s workout is our squat/leg conditioning test workout. Similar to how “Fran” tested pull-up conditioning last month, this workout puts our leg strength and power output to the test. This one, however, is much different than “Fran” in time domain and how you should approach it. Your re-test at the end of the month should focus more on doing this workout at a higher weight than it is total rounds and reps. This is as much about proving to yourself you can do a certain weight in a workout as it is about comparing your improved fitness, so the scales will be higher next time around!

WOD: Squat test
Run 200m
5 front squats 145/100
6 front rack lunges, 3/3
10 toes to bar

S: 65/45, situps
L1: 115/75, modified toes to bar
Rx+: 165/115


Saturday 6.8.24


Thursday 6.6.24