Friday 6.28.24

It’s that time of year where once again everyone gets to suffer through our fearless leader Stacey’s birthday workout. It’s a long one, a hard one, but a great one, and one fitting of Stacey and how badass and awesome she is. Get in and get it done!

Happy Birthday Stacey!

Stacey Birthday WOD 2.0
Run 800m, then 15 rounds of:
5 wall ball 20/14
3 burpees
1 power clean 175/115
then run 400m, then 15 rounds of:
5 wall ball 20/14
3 burpees
1 power clean 175/115

S: 10 rounds, 75/55
L1: 115/75
Rx+: 225/155


Saturday 6.29/24


Thursday 6.27.24