Saturday 5.18.24 : Bring a Friend with NOBULL

Saturday is our monthly bring a friend partner WOD with special guests NOBull in the house. They will be here to hang out and have some shoes and stuff to demo during classes. Sign up for a class time and bring your SO, roommate, random person you pass on the street, and come get a great workout in with a partner.

As always, if a new person signs up for a monthly membership based on your referral you get $$. Sounds like a win-win to me!

WOD: For time
6x250/200m row, alternating with partner
80 KB deadlifts 53/35, non-working partner holds kb in hang position
80 KB Goblet Squats - broken any way desired,
- 15 synchronized burpees
60 MB sit up passes
60 MB side to side passes (30 each direction)
- 15 synchronized burpees
40 partner wallball passes
40 synchronized MB back stepping lunges, pass medball at the top of each rep
- 15 synchronized burpees
20 push up + high five
20 synchronized burpees + high five
6x15/12 cal row, alternating with partner

Movements other than row and bike can be broken up any way desired. Scale weight and movements as needed


Monday 5.20.24 : MDW “Murph” on Saturday


Friday 5.17.24