Monday 6.17.24

This week it is going to be VERY hot. That doesn’t mean we won’t be working hard, but we want to make sure you all know you need to drink plenty of water throughout the day before and after working out so you can stay on top of it. Anyone doing average activity during the day and working out like we do should be drinking 1oz of water per 2# of bodyweight. So, you should be aiming for more when it is hot like this week.

Let’s have a great week and get after it!

Strength: Power clean
EMOM 5m : 2 power cleans, building
EMOM 5m: 1 power clean, heaviest able

WOD: 5 rounds
1 squat clean and jerk 155/105
8 pull-ups
Then 5 rounds
2 squat clean + 1 jerk
35 double unders

S: 65/45, jumping pull-ups, 35 singles
L1: 95/65, modified pull-ups, mid DU/SU
Rx+: CTB pull-ups, 185/125



Tuesday 6.18.24


Saturday 6.15.24 : In-House Throwdown!!