Wednesday 6.5.24

Here we go. Back squat day. It’s time to get those legs working overtime. Don’t get caught up in comparisons to previous efforts, especially if you have many. Just focus on getting a good 1rm in, and then on improving upon it by the end of the month.

Your coaches will talk you through the reason we want you to use low bar position for today. Bottom line is you can lift more weight!

Strength: Low bar back squat

  • warmup with sets of 3-5 reps, then give yourself at least 4 attempts of establishing a heavy single rep max.

WOD: For time
20 air squats

  • scale for being able to have at least 10 seconds of rest after round 1. After finishing 20 air squats in minute 3 immediately start for time:

2 rounds
25 push-ups
25 burpees
15 deadlifts 135/95

S: 15 squats, 20 burpees, 95/65
L1: 15 squats, 115/75
Rx+: 25 squats, 15 handstand push-ups, 165/115

  • you must complete all air squats before starting the for time portion. Score is total time including EMOM.


Thursday 6.6.24


Tuesday 6.4.24